Leaf printing

This week we have carried on with our leaf printing in Forest school and in class too. We are learning the difference between evergreen trees and deciduous trees. We are becoming excellent ‘leaf detectives’, recognising oak, sycamore, rowan, holly, birch and beech leaves.

Leaf printing

This week we took part in a fun tree identification activity that will help us to learn about the trees in our woodland.

We started the session by having an envelope each to open. We took it in turns to open the envelope and look carefully at the leaf inside. We matched it to the same leaf on the identification chart.

We looked at the colour, shape and size and learned the tree names, Oak, Alder, Holly, Birch and Horse Chestnut.

After identifying the leaves and trees, we then used leaves to make our own unique artwork. We carefully painted the underside of the leaf and pressed it carefully onto the paper. We slowly peeled the leaf away and saw an imprint of the leaf’s pattern.

Apple Bird Feeders

Our Orchard is full of ripening apples, so we decided to use the apples fallen onto the grass to make apple bird feeders. Birds love fruit, bird seeds and nuts so we know these bird feeders will go down a treat!

We listened to the bird song of the robin this week and then listened carefully in our woodland. Did we hear a robin? Yes!

We held the robin’s favourite snack, meal worms! We sprinkled them on the woodland floor to entice the robin to feed.

We sliced 1 apple into half and looked carefully at the core and seeds. Everyone had a seed and we planted it into a pot of compost. The children were excited to think we could grow our very own apple tree!

Next we made our bird feeders from a slice of apple. We made a hole and threaded piece of string through the hole. We smeared butter over each slice and pressed seed gently onto each side.

Then we found a branch and hung the apple feeders up!

Nature’s treasures from the woodland

This week we continued to find nature’s treasures from the woodland floor. Everyone in Year 1 has taken part. We also enjoyed looking at a most unusual pumpkin! Some interesting observations were made after feeling the surface and looking at the pattern ” It looks like sweetcorn” ‘Or popcorn”

Playing Kim’s game in the woodland was difficult this week as it was so windy, our treasures blew away!

Welcome to Forest School

Forest School started this week in Year 1! I work on Monday and Tuesday and plan to give all the children in Year 1 the opportunity to spend time exploring, enjoying and learning about nature. I hope by the end of the year, all children will feel connected with nature and be inspired to protect and take care of our world.

The children were shown how to register for their session, by finding their name and hanging it on our pine tree! And of course we talked about the tree being an evergreen tree.

We went to the woodland and started our first session by looking and holding a spiky husk from a horse chestnut tree.

Each child had an empty egg box and we searched our woodland floor for nature’s treasures. We found nuts, berries, leaves, sticks, stones and feathers!

We each put 1 of our treasures on a tray and we played Kim’s game. Which treasure was taken away?