Have you seen the new willow dens?

Exciting news, you might have noticed some new willow dens popping up next to the trim trail!

We learnt from Mrs Stott that there used to be willow teepees in this area, but they had become very overgrown. These have been cut back now, and the cuttings have been used all around school to build new tunnels, dens and the bird hide. What clever recycling!

Hugo had a lesson in how to build using willow this week. Check out the videos and photos below.


The fascinating thing about willow is that the cuttings start to grow again once they are planted back into the ground!

We have noticed this with the willow tunnel behind the Y2/3 building. Can you see on the photo below that all the buds are now growing straight up? This tells us that the cutting is alive and growing again. So keep a close eye on the willow structures around school, they may change shape as they start to grow!

We used the seek app to identify that this is called goat willow.

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