Wonderful Winter Hunt

This week’s whole school challenge is to go out on a winter hunt in your local area. How many of the items on the sheet can you find? How adventurous can you be at extending your learning?
Have a go at these challenges from your phase Forest School leader:

Miss Brahman’s challenge for Nursery and Reception: As you walk around doing your winter hunt, can you use your senses to talk about what you see, smell, hear and feel. Can you tell me what your favourite winter discovery is and why?

Mrs Colea’s challenge for KS1: Could you draw a map of your walk and plot the location your discoveries? Maybe write or make a video of you telling a short story about your journey or the animals who live in the area.

Miss Slater’s challenge for KS2: How creatively can you share your findings? Pic collage, poem, story, vlog or something else?

The printable resource and lots of other lovely outdoor leaning activities can be found here:


Please send your creations, photos or videos to the Forest school teachers for us to share on the blog at forestschool@allertonceprimary.com.

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