
The children in 3YON went on a little adventure to see what we could find at the pond. When we arrived the children were very quiet and waited patiently. They saw some flies floating on the water and one child talked about how they could see the clouds and their own reflection. After waiting for a short time we saw some tadpoles. The children were very excited and they kept popping up in the water. We talked about frogspawn and what the tadpoles will turn in too.

We can not wait to come back and see how the tadpoles have changed.

Mini beast challenge

Our forest school groups have had lots of fun searching the school grounds for mini beasts. We noticed we seem to spot more mini beasts in the afternoon. I wonder why?

If you’d like to have a go at this challenge you could use the sheet below. Have a look around next time you are outside. You might spot mini beasts not listed on the sheet, if so, you could make your own list, or draw a picture of what you find.

Let us know how you get on in the comments below, or send an email or photos to forestschool@allertonceprimary.com. Happy mini beast hunting!

? Our ACE Forest School Rangers ?

We have been truly overwhelmed with the passion and creativity shown in your applications to be a forest school ranger – over 40 children applied!

⭐️ Congratulations to the following children who have been selected ⭐️

Aaliyah 1CLiberty 4K
Celia 1CMatilda C 4M
Joseph 1CShi Ying 4M
Henry 2ASamu 4T
Ellie 2APixie 4T
Izzy 2ALottie 5JB
Erin 2CEllis 5JB
Evelyn 2CKamilla 5W
Daisy 2CGrace D 5W

We will be in touch with your teachers soon with your first assignment…

A huge thank you and well done to everyone that applied, we were so impressed all round.
If you weren’t chosen this time there will still be opportunities for you to take part in forest school activities this year.

ACE Forest School Rangers

Thank you to all the children who have applied to become an ACE Forest School Ranger. We are so impressed by the level of interest and the quality of applications. The Forest School team are busy working our way through these and will announce the appointed Rangers by Friday 30th April.

Check out the transformation behind Y2/3!

Huge thanks to our gardener Jack for all of the work that has gone into transforming the area behind the Y2/3 building! Now complete, we have a new pond (with tadpoles) bird hide, willow tunnel, stepping stones, a variety of new flowers and plants, plus a freshly sown wildflower meadow!

Be sure to check it out! Just take care to stick to the path (or stepping stones) to protect the growing seedlings.

Creating our wildflower meadow
Our new seedlings need daily watering