ACE Forest School Rangers

The forest school team are launching an exciting new opportunity for KS1 and KS2! We would like to appoint a group of ‘ACE Forest School Rangers’ to join our team. ACE Forest School Rangers will share their ideas and help to make decisions about forest school, look after our school grounds and get involved in special projects.

Would you like to become an ACE Forest School Ranger? Simply send an email telling us why you would be good at this role to before Friday 23rd April. You can include a video, letter, poster etc. Be creative, but most of all be you! We can’t wait to hear from you!

Building a hedgehog home

Continuing on with our animal habitats theme, class 2A took part in an excellent team building activity and made a hedgehog home behind their classroom. They used a wooden crate, some old tree branches which they needed to tie together and then added leaves and grass cuttings to insulate it. This will also provide some good camouflage when the leaves grow back on the bushes. We will add a shallow dish of water and some food in hope of inviting a hedgehog to move in! Watch this space for updates…

Animal habitats

In forest school over the last few weeks KS1 have continued to learn about Spring and animal habitats by going on a bug hunt and exploring they changes of Spring. They have learnt some interesting facts about the bugs they found and have even used their acting skills create a have a game called ‘guess the insect’. The Y2 children also made some pretty outdoor decorations using willow and wool. This really challenged the children as they practiced their knot tying skills!

Have you seen the new willow dens?

Exciting news, you might have noticed some new willow dens popping up next to the trim trail!

We learnt from Mrs Stott that there used to be willow teepees in this area, but they had become very overgrown. These have been cut back now, and the cuttings have been used all around school to build new tunnels, dens and the bird hide. What clever recycling!

Hugo had a lesson in how to build using willow this week. Check out the videos and photos below.

The fascinating thing about willow is that the cuttings start to grow again once they are planted back into the ground!

We have noticed this with the willow tunnel behind the Y2/3 building. Can you see on the photo below that all the buds are now growing straight up? This tells us that the cutting is alive and growing again. So keep a close eye on the willow structures around school, they may change shape as they start to grow!

We used the seek app to identify that this is called goat willow.

Spring spotting with Y3

Today our Y3 bubbles took up the whole school challenge and went on a search of the school grounds for the first signs of spring. We found new buds, daffodils, primroses, singing birds and a brand new pond! Jack our gardener patiently explained all the features of the new pond designed to help wildlife to thrive. We hope some frogs might find their way there before long!

Bubble 3A

Bubble 3B